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NCAI is please to be contributing to the exhibition "Michael Armitage. Paradise Edict" at Haus der Kunst with a single room display of a selection of the East African artists Asaph Ne'gethe Macua, Elimo Njau, Theresa Musoke, Jak Katarikawe, Meek Gichugu and Sane Wadu. Assembled under the heading "Mwili Akili, na Roho" ("Body, Mind and Spirit"), the works cover a range of figurative practices from the 1970s to the 1990s, by artist who were both formally trained as well as self-taught.
The exhibition "Michael Armitage. Paradise Edict" is organised by Haus der Kunst with the contribution of NCAI, and is curated by Anna Schnieder, with assistance from Dimona Stockle.
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